
Dobrov I. V., Semichev A. V. Improvement of the optical method for researching the contact stresses during the forging. Material working by pressure. 2020. № 1 (50). Р. 24-27.
 The analysis of the results of experimental resarch of contact normal stresses during the forging of a symmetrical workpiece under conditions of plane deformation performed by the tensometric method is carried out. It is shown that when comparing the combined graphs of the distribution of contact normal stresses along the symmetry axis of the workpiece, depending on the position of the considered section of the workpiece relative to the length (diameter) of the contact surface, presented in the technical literature, it is necessary to take into account the real change in the dimensions of the contact surface during forging of the initial workpiece with different degrees of deformation. An optical method for research of the distribution of contact normal stresses during forging under conditions of plane deformation of a symmetric workpiece made of a material with high plastic properties, which during forging, flows into holes of equal diameter, located along the axis of symmetry at an equal distance from each other in the diaphanous puncheon of new design. The results of experimental expand the physical understanding of the nature of the redistribution of normal contact stresses during forging and qualitatively coincide with the results of load cell measurements of normal contact stresses in real conditions presented in the scientific and technical literature.

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