
Introduction. It is necessary to carry out systematic accounting and qualitative analysis to maintain a sufficient level of provision of the enterprise with material resources and their efficient use. Issues of analysis of material resources are of great practical importance and significant impact on production activities, as it is a prerequisite for further development of production in enterprises. The purpose of the paper is to study the relationship between profit, sales revenue and material costs and to create a factor model of material profitability. Results. The paper investigates various author's approaches to the formation of a system of indicators of analysis of efficiency of material resources, as a result of which it was found that most experts focus on assessing the efficiency of production consumption of material resources, and use such indicators as specific consumption of materials, return materials, the ratio of the growth rate of manufactured (sold) products and material costs, the share of material costs in operating costs. At the same time, the ability of material resources, transforming into material costs, to generate income (material yield), is almost not studied. However, the efficiency of material resources is determined not only by the rationality of their use in the production process. In market conditions, in order to maintain a high level of competitiveness of the enterprise, it is advisable to study the ability of material resources to generate income and profit. For this purpose, you can use indicators of inventory turnover, material yield and material profitability. The transformation of the material profitability formula made it possible to show the dependence of this indicator on material profitability and profitability of sales. Conclusion. For effective management of resource potential of the enterprise it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to estimate the level of efficiency of use of material resources; to study the change of generalized and private indicators that affect the efficiency of material resources; to investigate the influence of individual factors on the level of efficiency of materials use. The presented factor model of material profitability allows to reveal the reasons of change of this indicator and to draw qualitative conclusions of use of material resources at the enterprise.

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