
Purpose. Studying disciplines related to water supply sources and water intake facilities implies the practical familiarization of students with methods for choosing the type of water intake, determining their characteristics, calculating the main parameters and selecting the appropriate equipment. The complexity of the calculations of group water intake is to account for the large number of interrelated hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer and the location of the wells in it. Evaluation of the qualitative effect of these values on the productivity of the wells will allow to optimize the calculation method, reduce time and labour intensity, and work out the proposals for possible changes in the estimated productivity by more active variation of the determining parameters. Methodology. The analysis of the influence of determining factors on the productivity of group water intakes consisting of vertical tubular wells was used. An algorithm is proposed for making changes in the calculation methodology for determining the decrease of water levels in the wells of group water intakes. Results. It is established that the determination of the values of the decrease in water levels in the tubular wells of group water intakes is a rather complicated task, which requires experience in designing, accounting, and a repeatedly changing number of interrelated determining factors. It is shown that the need to change the values of technical parameters in the calculation method is preserved at all stages of the calculation. Nomograms were made to determine the dependence of the decrease in water levels in the main and affecting wells of group water intake on a number of factors. The nomogram to determine the dependence of the decrease of water levels in the main wells of the group water intake can be used to calculate single wells. The application of the research results allows us to optimize and speed up the calculation method, to make controlled changes to the final result changing individual factors of influence or their groups. Scientific novelty. The analysis of factors affecting the productivity of tubular wells as part of group water intakes was carried out. Recommendations are made to improve the design of water intake structures of the specified type. It is shown that the method of calculating group water intakes amounts to solve two problems − determining productivity and lowering the water levels in the main wells and the wells they affect. The separation of the calculation allows for a more detailed analysis and the use of the hydrogeological conditions for the placement of water intakes, the selection of the characteristics and parameters of individual wells. Practical relevance. Using the results of the analysis of the influence of individual factors on the value of productivity and lowering water levels in tubular wells as part of group water intakes made it possible to optimize the calculation method, to show possible directions for adjusting the value of productivity in real boundaries.

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