
The purpose of the work is to determine perspectives and to develop recommendations for improvement of the process of managing the risk system of entrepreneurship within provision of food security. The methodology includes the methods of regression and correlation analysis. The authors determine the role and meaning of risk management in the sphere of agro-industrial complex in provision of national food security and determine perspective modernization mechanisms of risk system of entrepreneurship in the sphere of agro-industrial complex of Russia as the main condition for national food security. This allows for conclusion that the system of management of entrepreneurial risks in the sphere of Russian agro-industrial complex has a lot of drawbacks, which include monopolistic participation of the state in the process of such management, which is the reason for low level of national food security. As a solution to this problem, the authors develop a model of improvement of the process of management of risk system of entrepreneurship in the sphere of Russian agro-industrial complex within provision of national food security, which allows eliminating this drawback and involve enterprises of agro-industrial complex into the process of risk management, which, in its turn, will lead to increase of its efficiency, more successful satisfaction of interests parties’ needs (consumers who will receive access to a wider assortment of competing products), and solution of the problem of national food security.

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