
The article is devoted to the assessment of the current hydroecological condition of Teremnivsky ponds, the factors influencing it, the connection with the hydroecological condition of the Sapalaivka river. The history of research of hydroecological condition of Teremnivsky ponds, features of physical and geographical conditions of locality and anthropogenic influence on ecosystem of ponds are analyzed. The reservoirs are located in the Teremnivskyi district, where low-rise private buildings and a few of industrial enterprises predominate. Ponds and their shores are a place of rest and recreation of local population. It has swimming and sunbathing beaches, shopping and catering facilities. The shores of the ponds are currently insufficiently landscaped and have poor sanitation. The reservoir is a typical floodplain pond in the valley of the river Sapalaivka. Built in the 60's. XX century Recently, the ecological and sanitary condition of ponds has deteriorated, which makes it difficult to use them for recreational purposes. This is largely due to the poor ecological condition of the Sapalaivka river. Teremnivsky ponds in the summer are characterized by eutrophication - the enrichment of reservoirs with nutrients, which is accompanied by increased productivity of the reservoir. Much of the surface of the reservoir is covered with a film of duckweed and other algae. Poor sanitation of the reservoir banks also contributes to eutrophication. Shores are not removed from fallen leaves, household waste. It all gets into the stakes and pollutes them. It is determined that the hydroecological condition of Teremnivsky ponds is most affected by: chemical composition of water, microbiological water pollution, eutrophication of the reservoir in summer, sanitary condition of the reservoir banks, ecological condition of the Sapalaivka river, where the reservoir was created. It is established that the content of certain chemical pollutants in the water of Teremnivsky ponds exceeds their maximum permissible concentration in reservoirs for fishery use. Such water pollution is caused by the ingress of surface runoff from the city, sewage from latrine pits and garbage from the population. Thus, the hydroecological and sanitary condition of Teremnivsky ponds today is unsatisfactory and requires optimization. Previously implemented measures of local environmental programs are analyzed. In 2012-17, on the initiative of the Department of Ecology of the Lutsk City Council, measures were taken to improve the hydroecological condition of the Sapalaivka River. At present, a significant amount of urgent work has been done, and the project is still far from complete. In 2013-2014, landscaping with elements of revitalization of the valley of the Sapalaivka River was carried out. A set of measures for the completion and successful implementation of the project to improve the hydro-ecological condition of Teremnivsky ponds is proposed. It includes: cleaning and tidying up the water area and the surrounding area; technical measures (treatment of surface runoff from the city and prevention of contaminated wastewater; bioremediation measures (treatment of ponds from pollutants already in the water, improving the sanitary condition of water and combating eutrophication of the reservoir).
 Key words: ponds, hydroecological condition of ponds, factors determining the hydroecological condition of ponds, measures to improve the hydroecological condition of ponds.


  • TEREMNIVSKY PONDS The article is devoted to the assessment of the current hydroecological condition

  • The reservoirs are located in the Teremnivskyi district

  • their shores are a place of rest and recreation of local population

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Стаття присвячена оцінці сучасного гідроекологічного стану Теремнівських ставків, факторів, що на нього впливають, зв’язку із гідроекологічним станом р. Які є окрасою міста, розташувати статті є не лише актуальною з наукової точки біля водойм великі озеленені ділянки (зони зору, але й тісно пов’язана із напрямками відпочинку, парки). Найбільш істотний внесок у навколишнього природного середовища міста забруднення водних об'єктів в межах міст. Теремнівських ставків передбачає його тісний тягом тривалого періоду випуски стічних вод зв’язок з екологічним станом всього басейну промислових підприємств були найістотнішою р. Зокрестічних вод в водні об'єкти, ситуація дещо ма, вивчався екологічний стан Теремнівських змінилась. В забрудненні міських водних ставків, які знаходяться на р. Теремнівські ставки знаходяться на східній околиці міста в межах Теремнівського мікрорайону Тут знаходяться обладнані для плавання та відпочинку пляжі (на сьогодні недостатньо благоустроєні і в поганому санітарному стані), об’єкти торгівлі та громадського харчування. Останнім часом екологічний та санітарний стан ставків погіршився, що утруднює їх використання в рекреаційних цілях. Вміст БСК5 і нафтопродуктів перевищує ГДК втричі, азоту амонійного – вдвічі, ХСК – на 23%, нітритів – на 21%, фосфатів – на 11% [1, 2, 3]

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