
Pea is one of the most precocious among crops. Most of its varieties ripen in 75–100 days. The potential yield of pea varieties reaches 40–50 c/ha, but it is rarely realized. In the forest-steppe regions of the Trans-Urals and Siberia, the yield of peas is 20–30 kg/ha. In the Kurgan region in the period 2018–2021, the areas occupied by peas amounted to 18 225, 25 100, 34 300 and 38 300 hectares with yields of 27,2; 18,5; 13,8 and 10,0 c/ha, respectively, by year. Pea varieties are able to form a consistently high yield under the conditions of the Trans-Urals, contributing to solving the protein problem. The purpose of the research was to study the resistance of promising varieties of sowing peas to harmful organisms and to improve the elements of phyto and sanitary cultivation technology to increase crop yields in the Trans-Urals. According to the results of four years research, a higher yield was obtained for the standard variety Aksai Usatii 55 – 2,22 t/ha. A good level of yield was noted in the varieties recommended for cultivation in the Ural region, which includes the Kurgan region such as Agrointel – 1,86 t/ha, Zauralsky 3 – 2,04 t/ha, Samarius – 2,25 t/ha. The high yield was shown of the new varieties such as Kulon – 2,32 t/ha, Sibur 2 – 1,97 t/ha and Samat – 1,90 t/ha. The economic effi ciency of the use of mineral fertilizers depended on the variety and type of fertilizers. In variants with the use of urea (N30) it varied from 112,1 % (Aksai Usatii 55 variety) to 120,2 % (Thomas variety); with the use of double superphosphate (P30) it was from 106,6 % on varieties Zauralsky 3, Zauralsky 4 to 109,5 % on Thomas variety. Higher economic effi ciency was obtained from the use of nitrogenphosphorus (N30P30K30) and by varieties it varied from 119,4 % (Aksai Usatii 55 variety) to 134,2 % (Thomas variety). The protection of sowing peas from root rot during seeds treatment with a chemical fungicide Deposit ME (1 l/t) increased by 1,20 to 1,24 times depending on the variety, compared with the control. Treatment with Protect (2,0 l/t) increased protection by 1,18 to 1,22 times depending on the variety. The effectiveness of biofungicides was lower and on average exceeded the control by 1,09 times when using Phytosparin M, P (0,6 kg/ha) to 1,11 times when using Biocomposite-correct (2 l/t).

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