
The relevance of the present research is to solve the problem of the efficiency of processing and further utilization of organic agricultural waste (residues), which, unfortunately, is not processed by modern biotechnological methods, the use of which would allow to obtain a wide range of bioorganic fertilizers for agricultural needs. The recipe (formula) has been developed for a biological preparation which is based on a complex of such microorganisms Rhodopseudomonaspalustris, Saccharomycescerevisiae, Lactococcuslactis, Trichodermaasperellum, Bacillussubtilis for biodegradation of vegetable waste – beet roots, potatoes and carrots. The raised problem – the accumulation of organic waste – can be solved by conducting waste biodegradation with the combined preparation made on the basis of an improved recipe. The experiments have proved the efficiency of growing crops under the influence of biofuels obtained on the basis of the developed technology. The complex of cultures presented in the recommended formula will provide biosynthesis of nutrients as a result of biodegradation of carrot, potato and beet root waste. The choice of this waste is justified and based on the analysis of the results of the experimental researches. The technological parameters of the process of biodegradation of the agricultural waste are developed. The experiments have proved the possibility of using beet root, potato and carrot waste in the practice of bio fertilizers enriched with biogenic elements with a normalized content of chlorides, sulfates and dry residue. It is evident that the mass fraction of biogenic elements in the process of biodegradation of waste increases significantly. The largest increase in the mass fraction of nitrogen occurs in the fermented beet root waste, which corresponds to the physical and chemical standards of bioorganic fertilizers, and makes it possible to use this fermented waste as independent bio fertilizers. All other rates of the samples comply with the general requirements for the content of biogenic elements and are recommended in practice with the other microbiological fertilizers to increase the effect of their use.

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