
Madrasah Mu'allimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is a private religious-based educational institution. This campus has a superior class, namely Mu'allimin International Class Upper Secondary (MIC US). This class has 35 students and is divided into Upper Secondary A and Upper Secondary B classes. Even though Madrasah Mu'allimin has organized robotics extracurricular activities, in this MIC UP class all students cannot participate in these activities because the location of this class is far from the robotic site. MIC UP students' interest in robotics is quite high. Therefore, the students need to be given short training to improve their knowledge and skills in constructing robots. To realize this activity, Madrasah Mu'allimin collaborated with the Electrical Engineering Study Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (TE Study Program UMY), specifically line follower robot training. This activity is planned to be held for 1 day, starting with a pretest, delivering robotics material, building line follower robots, testing robots on the track, and closing it with a post-test. This activity was assisted by 2 international students from the TE Study Program UMY, coming from North Sudan and Qatar.

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