
In order to increase the technical and economic parameters of the process of sintering bauxite charges in a rotary furnace, it is the use of additives of finely divided solid fuel in them, which, without significantly deteriorating the value of the initial components, make it possible to intensify the development of internal crystal chemical transformations in the resulting specks due to changing the intensity of heat and mass exchange processes. Laboratory studies of thermal transformations in bauxite charge sinter showed that the use of solid fuel additives intensifies the development of internal heat and mass exchange processes, reducing the temperature difference in the cross section of samples. Increasing the addition of solid fuel to the bauxite charge contributes to shifting the compaction processes to the region of elevated heat treatment temperatures. Increasing the conditions for the development of internal crystal chemical transformations using an internal heat source in the form of solid fuel additives up to 1 % contributes to an increase in the yield of aluminum oxide and sodium into the solution after leaching the resulting cake. Ill. 3. Ref. 12.

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