
Hydrogen could become an important energy carrier, in particular used as an input to fuel cell electric vehicles. Alkaline electrolysers are an attractive technology to produce carbon-free hydrogen from renewable generated electricity. Large-scale alkaline electrolysers used in future hydrogen-filling stations could also be utilised to improve the frequency stability of the electricity power system. The electrolyser load can be controlled to respond to power system frequency variations, and in the case of a sudden loss of generation, these electrolysers could rapidly decrease their load on the system to maintain the power balance. In this study, the potential of alkaline electrolysers to dynamically stabilise the frequency of the power system is assessed. A model of steam turbine generation unit has been developed in MATLAB SIMULINK environment, and a scenario in which there is a sudden loss of generation in the system is examined. It is demonstrated that alkaline electrolysers could prevent unacceptable frequency drop, i.e. below the statutory limit, following by an abrupt loss of generation, even with no spinning reserve on the system. In this article for the first time, the ramping rate of an alkaline electrolyser is shown through experimental data.

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