
Abstract. Potato is an important food and industrial crop, occupying one of the leading places in the world production of crop products. Its tubers contain all the necessary nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, essential amino acids, organic acids, mineral salts. Potato is traditionally the second most important crop product in the Russian Federation after grain crops. In terms of production, Russia occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of the gross harvest of potato tubers (10 % of the world volume), but in terms of productivity it is significantly inferior to all the leading potato growing countries of the world. Methods. To increase the yield and quality of the products obtained, it is of great importance to optimize the area for feeding potato. The studies were carried out on the experimental field of the educational and experimental farm “Uralets” of the Ural State Agrarian University (USAU), the village “Studencheskiy”, for three years (2016–2018) in the climatic zone of the Middle Urals. Purpose of research. The purpose of the research is to study the influence of the feeding area of Gala potato, the use of fungicides on the yield and quality of tubers in the Middle Urals. Gala potato variety, feeding area and fungicides were taken as the object of research. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time in the conditions of the Middle Urals it was established that the highest yield of all the studied options was obtained with a feeding area of 2450 cm2 (70 × 35 cm) using the fungicide Shirlan 36.6 t/ha (factor B), which is 31.1 % higher than control (factor A) with HCP05 = 0.79. Results. In experiments in the variant with a feeding area of 1400 cm2, the largest leaf area from 1 hectare was 27.47 thousand m2 and the maximum photosynthetic potential was 2.03 million day m2/ha. It is economically efficient to plant potato tubers in the developed technology with the use of the fungicide shirlan in the variant with a feeding area of 2450 cm2 (planting scheme 70 × 35 cm), where the lowest cost price (4446 rubles/t), the highest profit (269 172 rubles/ha) and the highest profitability were obtained (165.43 %).

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