
The article describes the objects of administrative influences from the position of development of the sphere of fire safety. Mechanisms of state management of the fire safety sphere in Ukraine are investigated. The main causes of fires in Ukraine are identified according to experts. Proposals have been made on the necessary changes to the law of Ukraine “On the Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine”. The proposed scientific and theoretical foundations of mechanisms for the implementation of state governance in the field of fire safety. It was determined that the state should always act as a reliable guarantor of mandatory liability of organizations operating hazardous industrial facilities, establish criteria for determining the amount of financial security for civil liability for damage caused by an emergency situation related to the occurrence of a fire; introduction of scientifically sound approaches to the assessment of fire damage with the involvement of independent expert organizations; development of the regulatory and legal framework for the implementation of supervisory functions and ensuring the responsibility of managers of enterprises (institutions, organizations) and executive authorities in the field of fire safety. At the same time, it is justified that the main indicators in the state regulation should be considered: the frequency of fires, losses, the costs of measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies associated with the occurrence of a fire and prevented damage. It is specified that the understanding of the importance of fire safety as a priority component of national security is not very deep in our opinion, is also due to the fact that the losses that result from the occurrence of fires are not always properly calculated. In our opinion, the calculations of only a set of known losses can not expose all the costs that the state and society bear on the results of fires. The most obvious example is the consequences of a fire in the forest.

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