
A group of kurtosis-guided-grams, such as Kurtogram, Protrugram and SKRgram, is designed to detect the resonance band excited by faults based on the sparsity index. However, a common issue associated with these methods is that they tend to choose the frequency band with individual impulses rather than the desired fault impulses. This may be attributed to the selection of the sparsity index, kurtosis, which is vulnerable to impulsive noise. In this paper, to solve the problem, a sparsity index, called the Gini index, is introduced as an alternative estimator for the selection of the resonance band. It has been found that the sparsity index is still able to provide guidelines for the selection of the fault band without prior information of the fault period. More importantly, the Gini index has unique performance in random-impulse resistance, which renders the improved methods using the index free from the random impulse caused by external knocks on the bearing housing, or electromagnetic interference. By virtue of these advantages, the improved methods using the Gini index not only overcome the shortcomings but are more effective under harsh working conditions, even in the complex structure. Finally, the comparison between the kurtosis-guided-grams and the improved methods using the Gini index is made using the simulated and experimental data. The results verify the effectiveness of the improvement by both the fixed-axis bearing and planetary bearing fault signals.

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