
The article reveals the problems of information security in modern conditions with the globalization of international life, changing polycentric relations, taking into account the high rates of development in technical and information resources. The special importance of ensuring information security as an object of legal protection protected by international and national law is noted. The issues of eliminating conflicts in the norms of international law, preventing the possibility of their spreading to the territory of individual sovereign states, are being addressed. The correlation between the norms of international and national law emphasizes the expediency of improvement and adoption of new normative legal acts of universal and regional significance which can be used by member states when innovating national criminal and other sectoral legislation. It is a priority to improve international and national legal policy for the modernization of national legal systems for the prevention and combating of cybercrime. An effective mechanism of legal regulation for the objects to be legally protected is of fundamental importance for ensuring information security. Particular attention is focused on solving the issues of detection, disclosure and accurate legal evaluation of crimes and offences committed in cyberspace. The importance of the international community to establish universal standards to ensure information security is emphasized

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