
Graduate School of System Design and Management Keio University, JapanAbstract : Various methods have been used for safety and reliab ility as it becomes more difficult to ensure safety owing to the increasing complexity and scale of systems. This study aims at making it easier and more efficient to discuss risks and countermeasures for completeness , review, and knowledge transfer by improving methods to create fault tree analyses which focus on the GSN [1], which are among the methods used to describe assurance cases. More specifically, the purpos e of this study is to incorporate strategy and context, GSN concepts, along with reason, which is a new concep t, into FTA; the study focuses on three points. One point is support for the safety designer to draw a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive (MECE) FTA. The second is to make it easier to understand diagr ams and meanings of FTA compared with the usual methods. The third is to make creating an FTA more ef ficient and to pass on existing know-how. Eventually, FTA can achieve completeness, review, and knowledge transfer. An introduction is provided in the first section. Next, the met hodology covered in this paper is explained in the second section. The third section describes th e proposed notation method based on two proposals made in this paper. In the fourth and fifth sections, results and discussion are provided, respectively. Finally, in the sixth section, conclusions are de scribed.Key Words : System engineering, System Safety, System Assurance, GSN, FT A* 교신저자 : Nasa Yoshioka, momonunsong3iikanzi@keio.jp* This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which pe rmits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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