
A proposed technique for increasing the lifespan of mobile wireless sensor networks that are energy constrained is provided in this paper. This technique is based on the idea that radio frequency (RF) signals simultaneously carry information and energy. Thus, the lifespan of a wireless network can be greatly increased by improving the efficiency of energy harvesting from RF signals. This technique's simultaneous wireless information and power transfer allows relay nodes to gather energy for use in wireless data transfer. At the receiver side, the transmitted RF energy can be recycled to lengthen the life of the mobile wireless network. Conversely, to maximize the system's overall effectiveness, a balance between energy harvesting and wireless data transfer is necessary. In the suggested method, the received power is divided into two continuous sets of power streams using arbitrary power splitting ratios. A resource allocation (ResAll) method is used to identify the resource allocation values by taking into account the various power splitting capacities of receivers. The ResAll algorithm system balances the data rate, energy efficiency, power splitting ratio, and transmitted power to achieve energy efficiency. The best resource allocation strategies are then obtained using particle swarm optimization (PSO), which maximizes the system energy efficiency. In the process, a cost function is created and PSO maximizes the energy efficiency by optimizing the cost function's solution with regard to the restrictions applied during iterations.

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