
Eight mutant lines developed through mutation breeding technique using chemical mutagen along with parent line (Sadori) were evaluated at NIA, experimental farm. Quantitative and qualitative traits were analyzed statistically. The chemical mutagen Ethyle Methane Sulphonate (EMS) was used at the rate of 0.03%. The mutant lines (viz. NIA-M5, NIA-M10, NIA-M16, NIA-M20, NIA-M23, NIA-M29, NIA-M33 and NIA-M35) with parent Sadori were included in this study. The results revealed that three mutants (NIA-M20, NIA-M35 and NIA-M5) took (7.2%, 8.1% and 8.1%) higher plant height than parent (111 cm), two mutants (NIA-M5 and NIA-M20) obtained (36.8% and 42.1%) more sympodial branches plant-1 than parent (19.0). Three mutants (NIA-M20, NIA-M5 and NIA-M10) produced (16.8%, 22.4.0% and 25.4%) more number of bolls plant-1 than parental line (67.0). Five mutants (NIA-M5, NIA-M35, NIA-M20, NIA-M23 and NIA-M29) had higher fiber length (mm) (10.2%, 8%, 5.7%, 5% and 4.0%) as compared parent Sadori (28.0 mm). Two mutants (NIA-M20 and NIA-M29) showed higher fiber strength (g/tex) (5.5% and 8.3%) than parent (34.4%). Two mutants (NIA-M5 and NIA-M20) produced higher seed-cotton yield kg ha-1 (24.0% and 25.4%) over parent Sadori (3563 kg ha-1). The selected mutant lines on the basis of higher seed-cotton yield (kg ha-1) and enhanced fiber length (mm) compared to parent (Sadori) will be promoted in preliminary yield trials. Heritability and genetic advance were noted for early days to maturity, higher plant height (cm), sympodial branches plant-1, lengthy fiber (mm), bolls plant-1 and seed-cotton yield (kg ha-1).

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