
The production of beauvericin (BEA) by Fusarium oxysporum AB2 in liquid medium (SmF) was compared to that on solid medium (SSF) on inert support (polyurethane foam or PUF), using a previously optimised medium. The analysis included two different concentrations of the medium (1 × and 3 ×). Under SSF, the production of BEA (22.8mg·L-1) was higher relative to SmF (0.8mg·L-1). The production increased proportionally in the concentrated medium (3 ×) (65.3mg·L-1); using the concentrated medium in SmF, the production of BEA was completely inhibited, although more biomass was produced. The peak of BEA production was reached on day 7 and remained stable until day 11; sustained production after several days has not been achieved in similar reports. The presence of BEA was corroborated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry. The BEA production profile is shown performing mixed cultures of Fusarium oxysporum AB2 and Epicoccum nigrum TORT using the same system, increasing the production of BEA up to 84.6mg·L-1. We propose SSF using polyurethane foam (PUF) as a solid support as a new culture system for obtaining secondary metabolites such as BEA.

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