
Because space-borne radiometers do not measure the Earth’s outgoing fluxes directly, angular distribution models (ADMs) are required to relate actual radiance measurement to flux at given solar angle, satellite-viewing geometries, surface, and atmospheric conditions. The conversion of one footprint broad-band radiance into the corresponding flux requires therefore one to first characterize each footprint in terms of surface type and cloud cover properties to properly select the adequate ADM. A snow (and sea-ice) retrieval technique based on spectral measurements from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) on board Meteosat 8 is presented. It has been developed to improve the scene identification and thus the ADM selection in the near-real time processing of the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) data at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium. The improvement in the GERB short wave flux estimations over snow covered scene types resulting from angular conversion using dedicated snow ADMs (e.g., empirical snow ADMs and/or pre-computed theoretical snow ADM) instead of empirical snow-free ADMs is discussed.

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