
Hypoxia results in body weight loss due to anorexia and hypophagia and reduced human performance. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the role of oral glutamate administration with food and water in improvement in hypoxic tolerance, if any. The placebo controlled study revealed that supplementation of optimal dose of glutamate (Glu) promoted hypoxic tolerance in male Sprague Dawley Albino rats fed one dose daily for 5 days and exposed to continuous intermittent hypoxia of 6 hrs per day at 10,668m in an animal exposure chamber. Effect of varying dose of Glu on body weight (bw),food intake and water uptake were studied which revealed the optimal dose of Glu to be 27mgKg bw. Oral feeding of Glu resulted in improved tolerance of combined stress of cold and hypoxia as measured by fall in rectal temperature from 37’C to 23’C and faster rewarming. It enhanced 5.8 times hypoxic tolerance 36% bw gain and 24% food intake in hypoxia possibly by acting as a conditionally essential amino acid under hypoxia.

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