
The effects of the atomic composition of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST), especially the Sb-excess phase, on device reliability were investigated for applications of spatial light modulator (SLM) devices using phase-change materials. Sb-excess GST phases were prepared by cosputtering with two target systems. For Sb-excess GST thin films, amorphous phases were found to be more directly crystallized to more conductive hexagonal-close-packing phases at higher crystallization temperatures without the appearance of a less conductive face-centered-cubic phase with increasing amount of incorporated Sb. The marked changes in crystallization behavior and improved thermal stability were suggested as critical benefits for enhancing the device durability during cyclic operations, considering that the interdiffusion within the GST could be the main origin of the final device failure. The number of cyclic operations of the unit pixel device was markedly improved to more than 103 when the amount of excess Sb was modulated from 0 to 21 at. %.

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