
Since its inception, cloud computing has greatly transformed our lives by connecting the entire world through shared computational resources over the internet. The COVID-19 pandemic has also disrupted the traditional learning and businesses and led us towards an era of cloud-based activities. Virtual machine is one of the main elements of virtualization in cloud computing that represents physical server into the virtual machine. The utilizations of these VM’s are important to achieved effective task scheduling mechanism in cloud environment. This paper focuses on improvment of the task distribution system in VM for cloud computing using load balancing technique. For that reason modification took place at Bat algorithm fitness function value this section used in load balancer section. When algorithm iteration are complete then time to distribute the task among different VM therefore in this section of algorithm was modified. The second modification took place at the search process of Bat at dimension section. The proposed algorithm is known as modified Bat algorithm. Four parameter are used to check the performance of the system which are throughput, makespan, degree of imbalance and processing time. The proposed algorithm provides efficient result as compaire to other standard technique. Hence the proposed algorithm improved cloud data center accuracy and efficiency.

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