
Abstract— In this paper our aim is to highlights the needs for the replacement of the traditional education system with the contemporary education system. The contemporary education system is often compared to traditional education, which is more focused on rote learning, memorization, and the transmission of information from teacher to student. The contemporary education system refers to the current and modern approach to education. It emphasizes on the use of technology, practical learning, critical thinking, and creativity to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in a rapidly changing world. In this paper , elaborate the various ways of contemporary education system which emphasizes on hands-on learning experiences, project-based learning, and student-cantered approaches that help students to learn in a more engaging and effective way. The contemporary education system helps to prepare students for the real world by equipping them with the ability to think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, work collaboratively, and adapt to changing situations. Keywords:- Traditional system, Contemporary system , Assessment; Evaluation, divergent assessment, TBL

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