
In this paper, we study online algorithms that schedule malleable jobs, i.e., jobs that can be parallelized on any subset of the available $$m$$m identical machines. We study a model that accounts for the tradeoff between multiprocessor speedup and overhead time, namely, if job $$j$$j has processing requirement $$p_j$$pj and is assigned to run on $$k_j$$kj machines, then $$j$$j's execution time becomes $$p_j/k_j + (k_j -1)c$$pj/kj+(kj-1)c, where $$c$$c is a constant parameter to the problem. For $$m=2$$m=2, we present an online algorithm OCS that has a strong competitive ratio of 3/2, matching a previously established lower bound. We also present an online algorithm ASYM2 that is asymptotically $$((4-\epsilon )/(3-\epsilon ))$$((4-∈)/(3-∈))-competitive when $$m=2$$m=2, where $$0 < \epsilon \le 2$$0<∈≤2 is a parameter to the algorithm, improving upon an existing asymptotically (3/2)-competitive algorithm. Finally, we present an online algorithm OTO that is strongly $$2$$2-competitive when $$m = 3$$m=3, improving upon the previous best upper bound of $$9/4$$9/4.

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