
In this paper, we establish the improved uniform error bounds for the Lawson-type exponential wave integrator Fourier pseudo-spectral (LEWIFP) method for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with wave operator (NLSW) and weak nonlinearity characterized by a small constant ε∈(0,1]. We first convert the NLSW to a coupled system and then consider the LEWIFP method for the coupled system. The LEWIFP method is proved to be time symmetric and mass-conservative which is very important from the point of view of numerical geometric integration. Through careful and rigorous convergence analysis, we establish improved uniform error bounds for the full-discretization at O(hm+ε2pτ2) in the long-time domain up to O(1/ε2p) where m is determined by the regularity conditions. These error bounds are much better than the classical error bounds O(hm+τ2) provided by the traditional error analysis. In error analysis, in addition to the classical tools such as mathematical induction and energy method, we adopt the regularity compensation oscillation (RCO) technique to analyze the accumulation of errors carefully. The numerical experiments support our error estimates and demonstrate the discrete mass-conservation. In addition, the numerical results show that the discrete energy is stable in the time domain up to O(1/ε2p).

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