
The CO2 emissions from coal-fired power stations can be reduced through two strategic approaches; one is to improve the thermal efficiency of power stations and the other is to capture CO2 from the waste gases, which would otherwise be released to the atmosphere. This study focuses on the former approach with the aim of investigating how the design and operating parameters of power stations have an impact on the efficiency of power production and CO2 emission. The study was carried out numerically by simulating a combined combustion/steam-cycle model developed at the University of Regina. The model was based on the knowledge of coal combustion, heat transfer and thermodynamics of steam-power-cycle. Simulation of the model provided essential information related to power generation, including steam-cycle thermal efficiency, net power efficiency, coal consumption, CO2 emission, temperature of combustion zone and released flue gas. By conducting the sensitivity analysis using Monte Carlo simulation technique for a 400 MWe coal-fired power station, the magnitude of impact that operating parameter has on the plant efficiency and CO2 emission was realized. The outcome from the sensitivity analysis allowed us to establish operational strategies for coal-fired power station to achieve the maximum efficiency with minimum CO2 emission.

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