
An improved technique of tubeless cutaneous ureterostomy through a single stoma was devised by modifing the traditional cutaneous ureterostomy. Using this method, urinary diversions were performed on 12 cases with malignancies: 6 had radical cystectomy and the other 6 had pelvic exenteration. Normal bilateral ureters were observed in 11 cases in preoperative intravenous pyelography. Stomal stenosis was found in 1 case (8.3%) requiring operative stomal revision. Generally satisfactory results were obtained. This method could lower the incidence of complications. A long-term follow-up is needed, but 2 cases who have survived for more than 4 years since the operation have shown excellent results. It was thought that it would be difficult to perform tubeless cutaneous ureterostomy on normal-sized ureters, but our clinical results indicate that this method may be able to provide permanent urinary diversion.

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