
The traditional methods for coherence optimization in the framework of multibaseline (MB) polarimetric differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) applications, such as Best, MB1 equal scattering mechanism (MB1-ESM), suboptimum scattering mechanism (SOM), and exhaustive search polarimetric optimization (ESPO), all have some disadvantages. The MB2-ESM method just can be preferred for its normal accuracy and fast computing time. Signal–noise ratio optimum (SNR-OPT) in the coarse grid followed by the conjugated gradient method (SNR-OPT-CG-CGM) can be selected because of its higher accuracy and acceptable cost time. SNR-OPT has higher computational efficiency compared with ESPO because it makes the 4-D coherence optimization problem transform into two independent 2-D optimization problems (“2 $+$ 2” optimization problem). However, SNR-OPT still costs much time. In this letter, we propose a new method which can further make this “2 $+$ 2” optimization problem transform into one 2-D and two independent 1-D optimization problems (“ $2+1+1$ ” optimization problem). Thus, the computational efficiency will be improved much more compared with SNR-OPT, and meanwhile, the accuracy just decreases a little. Seven full polarimetric RADARSAT-2 images are taken for experiment, and the results also show that the improved SNR-OPT-CG-CGM method is a better method considering the tradeoff between computation time and accuracy compared with other methods for DINSAR applications.

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