
The soil moisture active passive (SMAP) mission was designed to acquire L-band radiometer measurements for the estimation of soil moisture (SM) with an average ubRMSD of not more than 0.04 $\text{m}^{3}/\text{m}^{3}$ volumetric accuracy in the top 5 cm for vegetation with a water content of less than 5 kg/ $\text{m}^{2}$ . Single-channel algorithm (SCA) and dual-channel algorithm (DCA) are implemented for the processing of SMAP radiometer data. The SCA using the vertically polarized brightness temperature (SCA-V) has been providing satisfactory SM retrievals. However, the DCA using prelaunch design and algorithm parameters for vertical and horizontal polarization data has a marginal performance. In this article, we show that with the updates of the roughness parameter $h$ and the polarization mixing parameters $Q$ , a modified DCA (MDCA) can achieve improved accuracy over DCA; it also allows for the retrieval of vegetation optical depth (VOD or $\tau$ ). The retrieval performance of MDCA is assessed and compared with SCA-V and DCA using four years (April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2019) of in situ data from core validation sites (CVSs) and sparse networks. The assessment shows that SCA-V still outperforms all the implemented algorithms.

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