
High-resolution 20-Hz Jason-2 satellite altimetry data obtained from crossing tracks numbered 52 and 189 in San Matias Gulf, Argentina, are compared with a 22-month-long time series of sea level measured by a bottom pressure recorder. It was deployed 1.3 km from the nominal intersection of the two tracks and 0.9 km from the coast. Results show that by improving retracking and tidal modeling, satellite altimetry data become more accurate close to the coast. Indeed, a larger number of reliable data are obtained up to 1.6 km from the coast when satellite data are retracked using adaptive leading edge subwaveform retracker (ALES) rather than using the classic Brown model. The tidal model that showed the lowest root sum square (RSS) of the difference between the in situ and the modeled tidal amplitude and phase is TPXO8 (RSS 4.8 cm). Yet, the lowest difference from in situ tidal constituents is obtained by harmonic analysis of the available 23-year-long 1-Hz altimetry dataset (RSS 4.1 cm), highlighting the potential of altimetry data to compute tides. Considering ALES retracking and TPXO8 tidal correction for the 20-Hz Jason-2 data, we finally show that it is possible to retrieve 70% more data and to improve correlation with in situ measurements from 0.79 to 0.95. The sea level anomaly obtained this way has a root mean square difference from in situ data of only 13 cm as close as 4 km from the coast. Overall, the analysis performed indicates that satellite altimetry data can be greatly improved, even in complex macrotidal coastal regions.

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