
Serum is commonly used for clinical chemistry testing but many conditions can affect the clotting process, leading to poor sample quality and impaired workflow. With serum gel tubes, we found a high proportion of sample probe aspiration errors on our Beckman AU5800 analyzers. We decided to implement the BD Barricor™ plasma tubes, and we validated an off-specification centrifugation scheme and verified that results obtained for 65 chemistry and immunochemistry tests were comparable to those obtained in serum gel tubes. Finally, we evaluated the impact of this new tube on sample error rate and laboratory turnaround time. To validate centrifugation settings, 50 paired samples were collected in Barricor tubes and centrifuged at 1912 × g for 10 min or 5 min (off-specification). To compare serum gel tubes with Barricor plasma tubes, 119 paired samples were collected from volunteers and results were analyzed using weighed Deming regression. Finally, the proportion of aspiration errors and laboratory TAT for potassium were measured before and after implementing Barricor tubes. Barricor tubes showed clinically acceptable equivalence to serum gel tubes for the studied analytes, and the off-specification centrifugation scheme did not affect the results. Implementing Barricor tubes improved the laboratory workflow by decreasing the aspiration error rates (2.01% to 0.77%, P < 0.001) and lowering hemolysis (P < 0.001). The laboratory TAT for potassium were also significantly lowered (P < 0.001). Use of Barricor tubes instead of serum gel tubes leads to better sample quality, shorter more reproducible laboratory TAT, and decreases costs associated with error management.

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