
Stormwater detentions basins are designed to capture stormwater to reduce and delay peak flows and to improve water quality. A novel technology proposed to improve basin performance is real-time, active control of the basin outflow, in so-called “smart” stormwater systems. Existing studies demonstrate the performance of active controls that respond in real-time to basin water level, detention time, and rainfall forecast for one or a small number of rainfall events. We hypothesize that the performance of these active controls can be improved by incorporating real-time water quality data into the control algorithm. In addition, we hypothesize that active control performance depends on hydrologic variability, specifically the frequency and intensity of runoff inputs. In this paper, we test these hypotheses using a numerical modeling framework for systems-level reliability analysis of active and passive stormwater basin outflow control using a Monte Carlo method. The analysis is performed using the urban hydrology model EPA-SWMM driven by stochastic rainfall time-series generated from the Modified Bartlett-Lewis Rectangular Pulses Model. Water quality-informed real-time active control algorithms are developed, tested, and shown to display an improvement over traditional, passive (no control) systems and other storage-based active controls for water and pollutant capture. Seasonal and duration curve analysis showed that water level- and water quality- informed control performance varied for different storm return periods and this variability could partly be attributed to the fraction of time the valve is closed. In addition, control performance was sensitive to rainfall variability, generally decreasing as storms become less frequent and more intense. Therefore, control system performance may depend on seasonal and longer time-scale variability in climate and rainfall-runoff processes. We anticipate this study to be a starting point to incorporate theories of reliability to assess detention basin and conveyance network performance under more complex real-time control algorithms and failure modes.

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