
Collaborative filtering (CF) is the most successful approach of Recommender Systems that has been applied in a wide range of applications. In this approach, historical rating data is exploited to calculate similarity between pairs of users and predict user preference over unseen items. The similarity is calculated using users' global preferences estimated from their previous interactions with items. To this end, commonly rated items by a given pair of users are utilized to calculate the similarity. In a sparse dataset, there are limited co-rated items. In addition, inconsistent behaviours of users in rating items may add some noise to data, which makes the ratings more untrustworthy leading to less accuraterecommendations. In this manuscript, we introduce an individual ratings confidence measure (IRC) to calculate the confidence of a given rating to each item by the target user. IRC consists of 5 factors that help to have more information about the interest and boredom of users. User ratings are denoised by prioritizing extreme and high-confidence ratings, and finally, the denoised ratings are used to obtain similarity values. This approach leads to a more accurate neighbourhood selection and rating prediction. We show the superiority of the proposed method when compared with state-of-the-art recommender algorithms over some well-known benchmark datasets.

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