
AbstractQuantum computing shows promise for 6G networks due to its parallel computing capabilities. In the context of the Noisy Intermediate‐Scale Quantum era, the introduction of hybrid quantum‐classical algorithms like Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) offer powerful solutions to many combinatorial optimization problems in 6G. This paper focuses on Low‐Density Parity‐Check (LDPC) channel decoding and proposes an improved QAOA algorithm assisted by the learning‐to‐learn strategy. We also investigate the parameter concentration phenomenon in QAOA‐based LDPC decoding to assess the rationality. To evaluate effectiveness, a comprehensive numerical expression for the energy expectation of single‐layer QAOA and propose indicators for transfer performance evaluation is provided. Based on simulation results, the similarity in parameter distribution across specific LDPC configurations is investigated. This similarity facilitates the transfer of training outcomes from smaller to larger‐scale problems for optimization initialization, thereby avoiding the need for retraining. This approach offers insights and potential solutions for rapid, large‐scale channel decoding in 6G networks, despite the current limitations of quantum hardware.

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