
The photovoltaic (PV) cells suffer efficiency drop as their operating temperature increases especially under high insolation levels and cooling is beneficial. Air-cooling, either by forced or natural flow, presents a non-expensive and simple method of PV cooling and the solar preheated air could be utilized in built, industrial and agricultural sectors. However, systems with heat extraction by air circulation are limited in their thermal performance due to the low density, the small volumetric heat capacity and the small thermal conductivity of air and measures for heat transfer augmentation is necessary. This paper presents the use of a suspended thin flat metallic sheet at the middle or fins at the back wall of an air duct as heat transfer augmentations in an air-cooled photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) solar collector to improve its overall performance. The steady-state thermal efficiencies of the modified systems are compared with those of typical PV/T air system. Daily temperature profiles of the outlet air, the PV rear surface and channel back wall are presented confirming the contribution of the modifications in increasing system electrical and thermal outputs. These techniques are anticipated to contribute towards wider applications of PV systems due to the increased overall efficiency.

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