
Nonlinear manifold learning algorithms, mainly isometric feature mapping (Isomap) and local linear embedding (LLE), determine the low-dimensional embedding of the original high dimensional data by finding the geometric distances between samples. Researchers in the remote sensing community have successfully applied Isomap to hyperspectral data to extract useful information. Although results are promising, computational requirements of the local search process are exhorbitant. Landmark-Isomap, which utilizes randomly selected sample points to perform the search, mitigates these problems, but samples of some classes are located in spatially disjointed clusters in the embedded space. We propose an alternative approach to selecting landmark points which focuses on the boundaries of the clusters, rather than randomly selected points or cluster centers. The unique Isomap is evaluated by SStress, a good- of-fit measure, and reconstructed with reduced computation, which makes implementation with other classifiers plausible for large data sets. The new method is implemented and applied to Hyperion hyperspectral data collected over the Okavango Delta of Botswana.

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