
We study the stochastic relaxation dynamics of the Ising p-spin model on a random graph, which is a well-known model with glassy dynamics at low temperatures. We introduce and discuss a new closure scheme for the master equation governing the continuous-time relaxation of the system, which translates into a set of differential equations for the evolution of local probabilities. The solution to these dynamical mean-field equations describes the out-of-equilibrium dynamics at high temperatures very well, notwithstanding the key observation that the off-equilibrium probability measure contains higher-order interaction terms not present in the equilibrium measure. In the low-temperature regime, the solution to the dynamical mean-field equations shows the correct two-step relaxation (a typical feature of glassy dynamics), but with a too-short relaxation timescale. We propose a solution to this problem by identifying the range of energies where entropic barriers play a key role and defining a renormalized microscopic timescale for the dynamical mean-field solution. The final result perfectly matches the complex out-of-equilibrium dynamics computed through extensive Monte Carlo simulations.

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