
The location-based alert service is the one of the most practical location- based services. It alerts mobile users when approaching and entering into or leaving from a specific region, and provides certain services previously set by the users. To provide the service, the location of mobile users needs to be acquired periodically. However, a server which handles the location of users gets more burdens when the number of users increases. Hence it is a critical issue to properly adjust the location data acquisition time interval while maintaining the accuracy of the service. In this paper we propose two effective location acquisition algorithms, the speed-based acquisition algorithm and the anglebased acquisition algorithm. The proposed algorithms could reduce the irrelevant location information acquisition based on the movement of moving objects. The speed-based acquisition algorithm and the angle-based acquisition algorithm reduced the average number of location acquisitions by 20% and 37% over the distance-based acquisition algorithm, respectively, while they both maintained the same level of accuracy.KeywordsAlert serviceLBSAcquisition Algorithm

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