
The knowledge of contacting residue pairs between interacting proteins is very useful for the structural characterization of protein-protein interactions (PPIs). However, accurately identifying the tens of contacting ones from hundreds of thousands of inter-protein residue pairs is extremely challenging, and performances of the state-of-the-art inter-protein contact prediction methods are still quite limited. In this study, we developed a deep learning method for inter-protein contact prediction, which is referred to as DRN-1D2D_Inter. Specifically, we employed pretrained protein language models to generate structural information-enriched input features to residual networks formed by dimensional hybrid residual blocks to perform inter-protein contact prediction. Extensively bechmarking DRN-1D2D_Inter on multiple datasets, including both heteromeric PPIs and homomeric PPIs, we show DRN-1D2D_Inter consistently and significantly outperformed two state-of-the-art inter-protein contact prediction methods, including GLINTER and DeepHomo, although both the latter two methods leveraged the native structures of interacting proteins in the prediction, and DRN-1D2D_Inter made the prediction purely from sequences. We further show that applying the predicted contacts as constraints for protein-protein docking can significantly improve its performance for protein complex structure prediction.

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