
Blockchain in healthcare plays a vital role in the form of encryption-based technology, which has been used to keep the patients' data in a secured and more distributed way. Blockchain technology in E-healthcare is also being used for digital payment systems that focus on cybersecurity, EHRs (electronic health records), patients data management, and so on. The framework has been designed to describe the major obstacles to the adaptation of blockchain technology in E -healthcare, such as data security, interoperability, data integrity, identity validation, and scalability. In addition, here comes the Ethereum as new technology based on blockchain technology. Ethereum is used for developing distributed applications (DApps) and replacing the Internet of third parties which store data, transactions and keep track. Using Ethereum, there is a chance to recreate the Internet without the involvement of third parties. The process of elimination of the third party could be implemented using smart contracts by creating trust, and Ethereum uses consensus proof -of -work (PoW), and Ethereum provides a peer -to -peer network to eliminate the involvement of third parties. The proposed system is a proof -of -concept implementation of a blockchain for research in clinical trials.

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