
The adaptive fusion module with an attention mechanism functions by employing a dual-channel graph convolutional network to aggregate neighborhood information. The resulting embeddings are then utilized to calculate interaction terms, thereby incorporating additional information. To enhance the relevance of fusion information, an adaptive fusion module with an attention mechanism is constructed. This module selectively combines the neighborhood aggregation and interaction terms, prioritizing the most pertinent information. Through this adaptive fusion process, the algorithm effectively captures both neighborhood features and other nonlinear information, leading to improved overall performance. Neighborhood Aggregation Interaction Graph Convolutional Network Adaptive Fusion (NAIGCNAF) is a graph representation learning algorithm designed to obtain low-dimensional node representations while preserving graph properties. It addresses the limitations of existing algorithms, which tend to focus solely on aggregating neighborhood features and overlook other nonlinear information. NAIGCNAF utilizes a dual-channel graph convolutional network for neighborhood aggregation and calculates interaction terms based on the resulting embeddings. Additionally, it incorporates an adaptive fusion module with an attention mechanism to enhance the relevance of fusion information. Extensive evaluations on three citation datasets demonstrate that NAIGCNAF outperforms other algorithms such as GCN, Neighborhood Aggregation, and AIR-GCN. NAIGCNAF achieves notable improvements in classification accuracy, ranging from 1.0 to 1.6 percentage points on the Cora dataset, 1.1 to 2.4 percentage points on the Citeseer dataset, and 0.3 to 0.9 percentage points on the Pubmed dataset. Moreover, in visualization tasks, NAIGCNAF exhibits clearer boundaries and stronger aggregation within clusters, enhancing its effectiveness. Additionally, the algorithm showcases faster convergence rates and smoother accuracy curves, further emphasizing its ability to improve benchmark algorithm performance.

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