
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), the power utilization is high due to recognized data transmission as compared with processing of data carried out within the sensor hub. To save the energy data aggregation methodology generally used which conserves the energy by removing the redundant information transfer in highly dense sensor networks. In this paper, proposed convention improved energy efficient structure-free data aggregation and delivery (IESDAD) collects the redundant information at the transitional nodes. In the proposed convention, every transitional node calculates waiting time for data packets very carefully due to which data collection carries out proficiently along the routing path. The recognized information packets are sent legally at the comprehension point for information collection. The IESDAD convention, the bounce hub is chosen dependent on cost work for the information transmission and delivery without open preservation of a network configuration. It also uses three-dimensional and time-based correlation for minimizing the overall redundant data transmission in wireless sensor networks to maximize the network life-time. The presentation of the proposed convention is estimated by performing widespread simulations. The simulation outcome shows that it performs well in the existing structure-free conventions in accordance with average and maximum energy consumption, throughput, delay and average energy consumption in mobile MIMO & SISO.

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