
For a large class of functions $$f:\mathbb {F}_q\rightarrow E(\mathbb {F}_q)$$f:FqźE(Fq) to the group of points of an elliptic curve $$E/\mathbb {F}_q$$E/Fq (typically obtained from certain algebraic correspondences between E and $$\mathbb {P}^1$$P1), Farashahi et al. (Math Comput 82(281):491---512, 2013) established that the map $$(u,v)\mapsto f(u)+f(v)$$(u,v)źf(u)+f(v) is regular, in the sense that for a uniformly random choice of $$(u,v)\in \mathbb {F}_q^2$$(u,v)źFq2, the elliptic curve point $$f(u)+f(v)$$f(u)+f(v) is close to uniformly distributed in $$E(\mathbb {F}_q)$$E(Fq). This result has several applications in cryptography, mainly to the construction of elliptic curve-valued hash functions and to the Elligator Squared technique by Tibouchi (in: Christin and Safavi-Naini (eds) Financial cryptography. LNCS, vol 8437, pp 139---156. Springer, Heidelberg, 2014) for representating uniform points on elliptic curves as close to uniform bitstrings. In this paper, we improve upon Farashahi et al.'s character sum estimates in two ways: we show that regularity can also be obtained for a function of the form $$(u,v)\mapsto f(u)+g(v)$$(u,v)źf(u)+g(v) where g has a much smaller domain than $$\mathbb {F}_q$$Fq, and we prove that the functions f considered by Farashahi et al. also satisfy requisite bounds when restricted to large intervals inside $$\mathbb {F}_q$$Fq. These improved estimates can be used to obtain more efficient hash function constructions, as well as much shorter Elligator Squared bitstring representations.

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