
Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) also known as the “vampire disease” is the most common type of porphyritic diseases. This disease occurs 1 in 50,000 people. Symptoms involve hyperpigmentation (tanning of skin) and hypertrichosis (skin manifestations mainly on top of cheeks). This disease is contributed mainly by deficiency of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (UROD), an enzyme that is present in the cytoplasm which aids in the synthesis of heme. The commercial drug available that is used to treat PCT is Plaquenil chemically known as Hydroxychloroquinone. This drug has shown to be effective in patients. But, in many cases it even worsens the condition of PCT in addition to its side effects. Gumweed extract shows antiporphyric activity. Quercertin, a phytochemical present in guweed bestows the wonder to treat porphyria. This experiment is dedicated to make the drug hydroxychloroquinone safer and more efficient in the treatment of porphyria. It is manifested by combining it with a gumweed phytochemical quercertin which is originally a flavinoid. This new modified drug can be used in the treatment of porphyria cutanea tarda and also to reduce the harmful effects of plaquenil in addition to unveiling the health benefits of gumweed.

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