
In this paper we present two deterministic distributed algorithms for the Steiner tree (ST) problem in the CONGEST model. The first algorithm computes a 2(1−1/ℓ)-approximate ST using O(S+nlog⁎⁡n) rounds and O(mS+n3/2) messages for a graph of n nodes and m edges, where S is the shortest path diameter of the graph and ℓ is the number of leaf nodes in the optimal ST. It improves the round complexity of the best distributed ST algorithm known so far, which is O˜(S+min{St,n})[34], where t is the number of terminal nodes. The second algorithm improves the message complexity of the first one by dropping the additive term of O(n3/2) at the expense of a logarithmic multiplicative factor in the round complexity. We also show that for graphs with S=O(log⁡n), a 2(1−1/ℓ)-approximate ST can be deterministically computed using O˜(n) rounds and O˜(m) messages and these complexities almost coincide with the results of some of the singularly-optimal minimum spanning tree (MST) algorithms proposed in [15,22,37].

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