
Reflux hypersensitivity (RH) is characterized by normal esophageal exposure to acid and positive correlation of symptoms to reflux episodes. Positivity of Symptomatic Index (SI) and/or Symptom Association Probability (SAP) is used diagnostically, though experts support that concordance of both is needed. We evaluated differences among patients with RH and concordance of SI/SAP or not. Patients with typical reflux symptoms without previous GERD diagnosis, submitted simultaneously to Ph-Impedance off PPI and high resolution manometry were included. Self-response to PPI was evaluated. Patients showing SI and/or SAP positivity were considered having RH and further classified to definite RH if both SI/SAP were positive or indefinite if only one positive. Totally 2659 patients (M/F: 35.6%/64.7%, mean age: 45 ± 14) were included. Final diagnosis was; FH: 21.8%, RH: 29.3% (definite: 14.3%/indefinite: 15%), GERD: 36% and inconclusive GERD: 12.9%. Patients with definite RH showed increased total reflux time, total number of reflux episodes and length of hiatus hernia, and also numerically but not statistically significant increased rates of PPI responsiveness versus indefinite RH and decreased mean nocturnal baseline impedance. Moreover, they showed significantly increased rate of PPI response versus patients with functional heartburn (FH). Some PPI responsiveness is frequent among patients with RH as also with FH, and cannot discriminate those entities clinically when diagnosing RH using SI and/or SAP positive criterion. Patients with RH and SI/SAP concordance differ from patients without. Implementation of a strict RH definition (both SI and SAP positive) can better distinguish RH from FH and should be used in the future.

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