
The histopathological counterpart of white matter hyperintensities is a matter of debate. Methodological and ethical limitations have prevented this question to be elucidated. We want to introduce a protocol applying state-of-the-art methods in order to solve fundamental questions regarding the neuroimaging–neuropathological uncertainties comprising the most common white matter hyperintensities [WMHs] seen in aging. By this protocol, the correlation between signal features in in situ, post mortem MRI-derived methods, including DTI and MTR and quantitative and qualitative histopathology can be investigated. We are mainly interested in determining the precise neuroanatomical substrate of incipient WMHs. A major issue in this protocol is the exact co-registration of small lesion in a tridimensional coordinate system that compensates tissue deformations after histological processing. The protocol is based on four principles: post mortem MRI in situ performed in a short post mortem interval, minimal brain deformation during processing, thick serial histological sections and computer-assisted 3D reconstruction of the histological sections. This protocol will greatly facilitate a systematic study of the location, pathogenesis, clinical impact, prognosis and prevention of WMHs.

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