
For the easy and secure sharing of an unknown private data, an algorithm is developed. The proposed algorithm has improved the data sharing security with MAC address and SHCS verifications. This technique enables the sender to effectively assign a value for the commit phase.MAC address verification improved the security of authorized users at both the sender and receiver side. At the receiver side, the commit value verification is done. These features have provided an increased privacy preservation of the shared data. The usage of SHCS and MAC address in this new technique prevents hackers during the passage of private data. It is only possible in this new algorithm that more complex data can be shared with maximum security. My thesis examines the latest scheme in the literature, AIDA algorithm and proposes a new algorithm for improving the data sharing security. The new algorithm is created on top of SHCS algorithm with the help of MAC address verification. XOR encryption and decryption technique is used in my work. A Base64 encoder and decoder mechanism is added along with the encryption and decryption technique.

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