
Loss of ventricular action potential (AP) early phase 1 repolarization may contribute to the impaired Ca2+ release and increased risk of sudden cardiac death in heart failure. Therefore, restoring AP phase 1 by augmenting the fast transient outward K+ current (Itof) might be beneficial, but direct experimental evidence to support this proposition in failing cardiomyocytes is limited. Dynamic clamp was used to selectively modulate the contribution of Itof to the AP and Ca2+ transient in both normal (guinea pig and rabbit) and in failing rabbit cardiac myocytes. Opposing native Itof in non-failing rabbit myocytes increased Ca2+ release heterogeneity, late Ca2+ sparks (LCS) frequency and AP duration. (APD). In contrast, increasing Itof in failing myocytes and guinea pig myocytes (the latter normally lacking Itof) increased Ca2+ transient amplitude, Ca2+ release synchrony, and shortened APD. Computer simulations also showed faster Ca2+ transient decay (mainly due to fewer LCS), decreased inward Na+/Ca2+ exchange current and APD. When the Itof conductance was increased to ~0.2 nS/pF in failing cells (a value slightly greater than seen in typical human epicardial myocytes), Ca2+ release synchrony improved and AP duration decreased slightly. Further increases in Itof can cause Ca2+ release to decrease as the peak of the bell-shaped ICa-voltage relationship is passed and premature AP repolarization develops. These results suggest that there is an optimal range for Itof enhancement that may support Ca2+ release synchrony and improve electrical stability in heart failure with the caveat that uncontrolled Itof enhancement should be avoided.

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