
The four point functions of Conformal Field Theories (CFT’s) with global symmetries give rise to multiple crossing symmetry constraints. We explicitly study the correlator of four scalar operators transforming in the fundamental representation of a global SO(N) and the correlator of chiral and anti-chiral superfields in a superconformal field theory. In both cases the constraints take the form of a triple sum rule, whose feasibility can be translated into restrictions on the CFT spectrum and interactions. In the case of SO(N) global symmetry we derive bounds for the first scalar singlet operator entering the Operator Product Expansion (OPE) of two fundamental representations for different value of N. Bounds for the first scalar traceless-symmetric representation of the global symmetry are computed as well. Results for superconformal field theories improve previous investigations due to the use of the full set of constraints. Our analysis only assumes unitarity of the CFT, crossing symmetry of the four point function and existence of an OPE for scalars.

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